"The Anorack" is a suit designed together with the company Festool to simplify the everyday work life in craftsmanship.
This innovation aims to address the shortage of skilled workers and make the craft profession more appealing again. Experience enhanced by comfort and efficiency with the Anorack, your ideal companion in the world of craftsmanship.
The suit has been designed following Festool's design principles. Its color palette and the interplay of curves and edges align seamlessly with Festool's aesthetics.
A notable example is the integration of functional features within all green elements, mirroring the same attention to purposeful design found in Festool's tools.
With its ergonomic fit, it provides physical support throughout the craftsman's daily activities. Its built-in charging function eliminates the need for batteries in cordless handheld devices, making it a versatile tool.
The project promotes a shift in the use of batteries, allowing a single battery to power multiple devices, therefore making tools lighter and easier to handle. It is a concept for reimagining the future of craftsmanship, ensuring a healthier and more sustainable work environment for all.
Sustainability Goal
This project aimed to make physically demanding work in craftsmanship more sustainable. The ergonomic suit is designed to improve posture and strengthen muscles, enabling craftsmen to continue working even in their later years. Additional features such as a heated kidney belt, health monitoring and lifting aids contribute to the sustainability of the profession. This becomes crucial due to the rising retirement age in Germany.
Worked together with:
Jack Rehse, Industrial Design Student